
Prevention against serious diseases

Vaccinations are an important contribution to protection against diseases for yourself, your fellow human beings and possibly unborn children. The risks of a vaccination are significantly lower than those of an infection and the possible permanent damage of your health. Vaccinations at the gynecologist? Yes, because there are a number of specific gynecological diseases against which vaccination is possible and recommended. But also to the known, "normal" vaccinations such as Measles we will be happy to advise you in our practice. Which vaccinations are useful and important for you, is a refresher necessary and what needs to be considered before a planned pregnancy or once a pregnancy is confirmed? We'll answer all of these questions for you. Please feel free to find out more at the links below and bring your current vaccination record with you to the examination.

HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer

Many parents are now aware of HPV vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer. This vaccination should be given to young girls and women if possible before the first sexual intercourse and it effectively reduces the risk of a later illness. Infection with human papilloma viruses (HPV) is the triggering risk for the later development of cervical cancer and its precursors. The German permanent vaccine commission (STIKO) recommends vaccination for all girls aged 9 to 14 years. Missed vaccinations against HPV should be made up to the age of 18 at the latest (i.e. up to the day before the 18th birthday).

By the way - an HPV vaccination is also useful for boys of the same age. Human papilloma viruses can cause genital cancer in boys. Vaccination is also important for the immunization of the entire population and thus indirectly for girls and women. The German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) also included this vaccination for boys in the official catalog at the end of June 2018.

Vaccinations during or before planned pregnancy

Some illnesses during pregnancy, which are usually harmless for the mother-to-be, represent a considerable risk for the unborn child. The classic rubella is a well-known example here. Especially before a planned pregnancy, the vaccination protection should be checked and refreshed if necessary. Some vaccinations are also recommended during an existing pregnancy, e.g. against seasonal flu, whooping cough or CoViD-19

vaccinations against Covid-19

In our practice, we also carry out vaccinations against CoViD-19 ("Corona") in accordance with the applicable recommendations and approvals by the standing vaccination commission (STIKO). In addition to the basic immunization, we also offer the booster vaccinations with the vaccine adapted to the BA.4-5 variants, which are recommended for selected groups. You will also receive the corresponding certificates from us.

Further vaccinations

We carry out all the basic vaccinations recommended by the German German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO). These mainly include:

  • Flu vaccination
  • Measles, mumps, rubella
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough
  • Meningococcal, pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenzae
  • Herpes zoster (shingles)

These vaccinations are part of the service catalog of the statutory health insurance.

Additional vaccinations are recommended in individual cases, but are not generally covered by the statutory health insurance funds.

  • Travel vaccinations (for example against hepatitis A and B, rabies)
  • “Tick vaccination” TBE (early summer meningo encephalitis)
  • Preventive vaccination for chronic urinary tract infections
  • Preventive vaccination for chronic vaginal infections with yeast

Vaccination Pixaby // Angelo Esslinger

Humane Papillom Viren
HPV Virus // xrender

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