Munich Gynecology Dr. Möller
Your gynecologist at Stachus in downtown Munich
The focus of the range of services is set by the gynecologist's practice Dr. Franziska Möller - Munich Gynecology at Stachus- in the following areas, which you can also find here in an overview:
- Pregnany Care
- Contraceptive advice, including long-term, e.g.
- Hormone-free contraception, e.g.
- Fertility Care
- Cancer screening
- 3D/4D-ultrasound
- Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
- Vaccinations
- Kinesio-Taping
Our practice also offers a wide range of modern general gynecological treatments. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
- Consulting hours in week 51:
- Wednesday 18/12/24: 12:00-15:30
- Friday 20/12/24: 08:00-11:00
- Currently some users report occasional problems with our online appointment booking. This is related to the (legally required) privacy settings. Please update these if necessary under "Information" - "Privacy" or use this link.
- From Monday 28/10/24. until Thursday 31/10/24 the practice remains closed. Stand-in for urgent cases: Dr. med Ariadne Kritikos, Theatinerstr. 29, 80333 München, +49 (0)89 266 777,
- On Monday 30/09/24. the practice remaind closed (end of quarter). Only pick-up of prescriptions is possible
- Frau Dr. Möller wird nun als eine von zur Zeit nur 19 Gynefix-Experten in Deutschland geführt.
- Die Impfkommission des RKI empfiehlt eine zusätzliche Impfung gegen Keuchhusten für alle Schwangere.
- Informationen zur Neuregelung der Krebsvorsorge ab Januar 2020